How Does Your Diet Affect Your Mental Health?

While results vary, studies show that making healthy food choices does more than keep your waistline trim. A healthy diet can:

  • reduce depression
  • reduce stress and anxiety
  • manage symptoms of AD/HD
  • reduce chronic pain
  • lower blood pressure
  • help with diabetes
  • increase muscle relaxation
  • maintain circadian rhythms, which is helpful for regulating sleep

Eating foods high in magnesium has shown to increase the effectiveness of Prozac in the treatment of depression. Diets high in fruits and veggies, unprocessed proteins, whole grains, legumes, and nuts help mange mood. And, diets that are lower in sugar and fat have been shown to increase energy, curiosity, creativity, and motivation.

While we shouldn’t be obsessed with everything we eat, it can be helpful to note how your energy level or mood changes based on what you’ve eaten over the course of a few days. And, when we follow a diet that is recommended or monitored by a professional, we are more likely to stick to it, and therefore benefit from the diet, than if we rely on ourselves or even social support groups.

Interested in some coaching on behavioral health care change and maintenance? Contact us. We can help.

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