Is Health and Wellness Coaching Right For You?

Wondering if health and wellness coaching is right for you? A health and wellness coach helps you change your life in a meaningful and positive way.

Coaching is different from therapy because it is usually focused on one particular problem or goal. It is both present and future oriented versus overly focused on the past. A coach understands there are multiple paths towards your goals, dreams and vision. You know the answers, you just need some support to find your way towards creating the life you want.

If you are seeking health and wellness coaching, you may be struggling to develop strategies to sustain your overall health and wellness. Our health and wellness coaches can help you rethink your options, helping you envision a more satisfying future, and set realistic goals in order to live a gratifying life. Our coaches can help you overcome obstacles and reach solutions as well as lasting, positive lifestyle behavior change. Coaching is action oriented. You will always leave the session with a plan of what to work on between our meetings.

You may wonder why you would seek coaching from a therapist. Therapists are particularly well-suited for this role because we are trained to listen empathically and non-judgmentally, help you reframe your thinking, and to seek solutions and imagine possibilities. We also come from a place of strongly adhering to ethical guidelines for your confidentiality.

At KKJ, we challenge you to identify your own unique motivators and barriers to reaching your goals and encourage the use of evidenced-based strategies to increase motivation, provide accountability, overcome barriers, and ultimately help you live your best life.

With the help of a coach, you can learn new skills and increase your confidence about sticking to a plan.

Health and wellness coaches can help you with:

  • Create and stick to a plan
  • Adherence to a healthier lifestyle including exercise and nutrition maintenance
  • Stress management
  • Yoga and mindfulness approaches
  • Stress management

Here are some tips as to how to improve your health and wellness:

  • Take up a hobby
  • Take a walk outside
  • Meditate/Yoga
  • Incorporate “me time” or self-care into your day
  • Think positive and focus on gratitude
  • Give yourself a break
  • Get a good night’s sleep

Here are a few questions to get you thinking:

  • Do you have trouble sticking to health-related goals?
  • Do you struggle to keep a calm and positive mindset?
  • Are you always low on energy and motivation?
  • Do you struggle with work-life balance?
  • Do you struggle with finances?
  • Do you find it difficult to prioritize your health? To exercise?
  • Do you rarely let yourself relax?
  • Do you want to make healthy changes to your lifestyle but you’re not sure where to start?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, a health & wellness coach would be a great option for you.

For further information, call our office at 919.493.1975 or email

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