Many people consider Pilates for their physical health, but there are emotional benefits too! Pilates is a system of exercises that strengthen your body, increase flexibility and agility, and better both your spine health and mental health. While your whole body is being treated, there are also specific needs you can address and work on within your physical health. As the owner of Core Focus Pilates Marie Sherr puts it, “just doing Pilates makes you feel better”. By spending an hour on Pilates, you’re dedicating that time to only focus on your body and to let everything else go. By focusing inward on yourself and being in the present moment, you're able to let go of constant worries and negative feelings. Pilates increases cognitive functions and can help keep your mind and body sharp as you age. Breathwork is also great in Pilates, which focuses on the idea of releasing stress when you breathe out and nourishing your mind and body when you breathe in. Focusing on your breathwork has great benefits both physically and mentally as you focus on the present, let go of your stress, and regulate your breathing. There are great emotional benefits for Pilates like building community and friendships, building confidence, and creating a reliable routine in your life. The community of Pilates is great for your mental health to build social connections that support healthy interactions. Don’t forget- Pilates is for everyone! Pilates is all about preparing people to age gracefully. The most important thing to take away from your Pilates class is to honor where you are in the moment.
Marie Sherr is the owner of Core Focus Pilates in Durham, NC and is always excited to bring the world of Pilates to newcomers. She and her staff of certified Pilates instructors hold small and large group classes and work directly with you to address specific and general needs. Marie wants to share her love of Pilates with everyone so you can explore the benefits her business provides. Pilates builds confidence, creates better posture, increases strength, and can be a great tool for your mental health.
To follow Core Focus Pilates:
Instagram: @mariesherr & @corefocuspilatesnc
Phone: 919.519.2557