Self-Care Sundays: A Holistic Approach to a Healthier You Through Yoga

September 8

Self-Care Sundays: A Holistic Approach to a Healthier You Through Yoga

Yoga means union. Murshida Rudi Kadre, yoga instructor of Move With Murshida, explains how yoga is about feeling unified with ourselves and with the world.

Yoga works to achieve a state of union in your current moment, stabilize that feeling, and hold onto that feeling throughout all of life’s moments, good or bad. There are many techniques and holistic benefits of yoga.

Yoga includes asana which is the movement and use of postures in yoga. The breathing in yoga is called pranayama and the chanting sounds are called mantras. There are also meditations to calm and clear the mind. The studying of yoga is used to learn from the Masters of Yoga and study yourself in comparison to the teachings of yoga.

While yoga began as a spiritual practice, it does not rely on faith- it is a science that shows if you practice the techniques, you will see a result. People often begin yoga for physical health, but yoga can benefit people’s emotional selves. The practice of breathing in yoga is especially helpful for those struggling with stabilizing the mind. Yoga can show people’s potential for a greater purpose and help people realize their place in the universe.

Being in the present moment is a large part of yoga. Murshida tells us how it’s important to recognize in the moment that things aren’t ‘good’ or ‘bad’ but rather to look at things as opportunities to learn from. Try not to immediately label things as bad but instead ask yourself, ‘what can I learn from this’ and ‘what opportunities am I given in this moment.’

She also explains her focus on organic intelligence which redirects your focus away from inside yourself, where your feelings are strong, and your thoughts are cyclical and directs your focus to the world around you. By opening your eyes and looking out, you can find comfort in the flowers blooming or in the birds flying overhead. Yoga is about bringing attention to the present moment to bring you relief.

Murshida Rudi Kadre has been practicing yoga for 40 years. Her practice Move With Murshida is a great way to open the doors to yoga and learn how it can benefit your life. She has a membership-based practice for her virtual studio, and she welcomes all to join her studio and learn about the great benefits of yoga and organic intelligence.

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