How might these uncertain times, marked by extended periods of social isolation, be impacting us and the ones we love? Social isolation may be especially challenging for those living alone or in unsafe situations. Since the pandemic, we’ve seen a rise in domestic violence reports. Additionally, even when we seem to have all we need, we often don’t. Social isolation can result in painful experiences of loneliness and disconnection, which have been found to negatively impact both physical and mental health. This may be especially problematic for people already experiencing and/or predisposed to depression and other forms of mental illness. Suicide risk is an additional consideration during these times, as social support and social contact play a key role in identifying and preventing suicidality.
What Can We Do?
Ensure that you are socially connecting, even if it’s more difficult and/or you don’t feel up for it (this is the important part!):
If you find that you or someone you know is struggling during this time and needs extra support, resources are available. Don’t wait. The sooner you seek help, the better.