What Is Life Coaching And Is It Right For Me?

Wondering how life coaching can help you? A life coach helps you live your best life by identifying your individual personal goals and developing tailored action plans. Coaching is different from individual therapy because it is usually focused on one particular problem or goal. It is both present and future oriented versus overly focused on the past. A life coach understands there are multiple paths towards your goals, dreams and vision. You know the answers, you just need some support to find your way towards creating the life you want.

If you are seeking coaching, you are likely not experiencing depression or anxiety, so you may wonder why you would seek coaching from a therapist. Therapists are particularly well-suited for this role because we are trained to listen empathically and non-judgmentally, help you reframe your thinking, and to seek solutions and imagine possibilities. We also come from a place of strongly adhering to ethical guidelines for your confidentiality.

Life coaching may be right for you, if you are struggling to find more purpose, value or balance in your life.

You may wish to address:

  • Financial coaching
  • Mindfulness approaches
  • Stress management
  • Work transitions such as career change or returning to work

Life coaching is individualized, not standardized. At KKJ, we work to help you clarify your personal values and support you in aligning your life goals and related behaviors with these values. We also challenge you to identify their own unique motivators and barriers to reaching their goals and encourage the use of evidenced-based strategies to increase motivation, overcome barriers, and ultimately help clients live their best lives. Coaching is action oriented. You will always leave the session with a plan of what to work on between our meetings.

While life coaching is very personalized, below are some questions you might explore:

  • What are your personal values and does your current behavior and life choices align with those values?
  • What are your short term and long-term goals? Do they align or conflict?
  • How can we work to make your goals more measurable and actionable to encourage success?
  • What habits are no longer working for you and preventing you from living your best life?
  • What are some of the social and psychological factors impacting your ability to make healthy choices and develop healthy relationships and habits and how might we address these?
  • What does your support system look like? Do the people in your life support you or bring you down?
  • What are you afraid of and how does this fear shape your behavior? What would you do (or not do) if you were not afraid?
  • How will you know when you are living your best life? What would be different? How would you behave differently? What if you started behaving in this way today?
  • What risks can you take right now?

KKJ offers in-person and virtual life coaching appointments - schedule an appointment today!

Call our office at 919.493.1975 or email drkatrina@kkjpsych.com

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